Nokia MIKA is a digital assistant for telecom operators and engineers

collected by :Andro Alex

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Nokia introduces MIKA, a digital assistant for engineers and telecom operators

Nokia introduces MIKA, a digital assistant for engineers and telecom operators
- Nokia lumia's got a nice, adorable name picked out for its new voice assistant.MIKA stands for "Multi-purpose Intuitive Knowledge Assistant," letting engineers and telecom operators access information through voice commands.The system is powered by the company's cognitive services platform, using "augmented intelligence with automated learning to provide access to an extensive range of tools, documents and data sources."Essentially MIKA is designed to offer quick answers to engineer questions, based on experience drawn from other networks – so, it's not entirely unlike Siri or Alexa, but it'll provide answers to engineering questions, instead of turning on a smart lightbulb or checking the local weather.
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Nokia unveils MIKA, a customised digital assistant to aid telecom operators

Nokia unveils MIKA, a customised digital assistant to aid telecom operators
- MIKA combines augmented intelligence with automated learning to provide access to an extensive range of tools, documents and data sources.( Image for representation, Source: Reuters) MIKA combines augmented intelligence with automated learning to provide access to an extensive range of tools, documents and data sources.( Image for representation, Source: Reuters)Finnish telecommunications giant Nokia lumia has created a customised digital assistant "MIKA" that will improve telecom operators' efficiency by providing engineers faster access to critical information.
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Nokia MIKA is a digital assistant for telecom operators and engineers

Nokia MIKA is a digital assistant for telecom operators and engineers
- Lately, Nokia lumia is in the tech headlines for the launch and flash sale of its latest smartphone Nokia 6, In the meantime, Nokia has announced the launch of MIKA (Multi-purpose Intuitive Knowledge Assistant.This is a customized digital assistant aimed at helping the telecom operators improve their efficiency by offering the engineers faster access to critical information.The Nokia MIKA is powered by Nokia AVA cognitive services platform and is underpinned by the services expertise.
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Nokia unveils MIKA, a digital assistant for telecom operators : News, News

Nokia unveils MIKA, a digital assistant for telecom operators : News, News
- Finnish telecommunications giant Nokia lumia has created a customised digital assistant "MIKA" that will improve telecom operators' efficiency by providing engineers faster access to critical information.MIKA that stands for 'Multi-purpose Intuitive Knowledge Assistant' -- is the first digital assistant trained specifically for the telecom industry, designed to provide automated assistance that saves time and frees highly skilled workers to focus on critical tasks.Also Read: Nokia working on high-end Android phone powered by Snapdragon 835"MIKA taps into the power of the Nokia AVA platform to provide quick and accurate answers, avoiding time wasted on fruitless searches.
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Nokia launches Mika digital assistant to improve telecom operators' efficiency to access critical information

Nokia launches Mika digital assistant to improve telecom operators' efficiency to access critical information
- Nokia lumia has launched a customised digital assistant dubbed Mika that will provide voice-activated automated assistance to telecommunication operators.Mika would improve engineers' efficiency by providing them with faster access to critical information and reduce the time spent on searching for information.It will be displayed at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain which is being held from 27 February to 2 March.
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