"equitiesfocus" : Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) Price-to-Earnings-Growth Ratio At 0.800

collected by :Andro Alex

as mentioned in Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) P/E ratio is N/A while 'Price-to-Earnings-Growth' ratio is 0.800. Thomson Reuters survey validates that Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) stock can go to $5.830 mark in imminent 12-months. In 2015, Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) stock made a high of $6.310 while the lowest mark was $4.040. Valuation LevelMarket specialists put price-to-earnings ratio in routine for reaching the definite valuation of Nokia Corporation Sponsored Ame. Market specialists, have been referring to P/E ratio since years, and it is applicable for both technical experts and fundamental professionals.

as mentioned in

Is Nokia Worth A Look? - Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK)

Is Nokia Worth A Look? - Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK)
Nokia and Ericsson's EBITDA margin has come down to single digits while Cisco remains the most profitable with an EBITDA margin of around 32%. Both these companies have been able to maintain gross margins over 60% in the last four years. Falling sales and a stronger dollar has resulted in lower gross margin for the company. Finally, the EBITDA margin. Ericsson has the lowest gross margin out of the four companies compared here.

Nokia: A Trade Strategy, As Shares Push Against $5 - Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK)

Nokia: A Trade Strategy, As Shares Push Against $5 - Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK)
I have probably written more about Nokia (NYSE:NOK) than any other company over the past few months. The stock appreciated over 15% in less than two and a half months to trade today at nearly $5.00/share, beating the broad market over the period by about eight percentage points. My level of confidence about buying NOK today, at least given a short 6-12 month horizon, is certainly lower than it had been in November 2016. If shares go down hard, the position is exposed to sizable losses - not unlike simply buying and holding the stock. He or she can always buy more shares at $7/share and replenish the portfolio, if the move seems reasonable.

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