Nokia Oyj (NOKIA) Given a €5.00 value aim with Credit Suisse Group Analysts

as mentioned in Nokia Oyj (HEL:NOKIA) has been given a €5.00 ($5.88) value aim with investment analysts at Credit Suisse Group in a study note issued to Businessmen on Monday. UBS AG restated a "buy" rating on shares of Nokia phone Oyj in a study report on Tuesday, September 19th. Nord/LB determine a €6.00 ($7.06) value aim on Nokia phone Oyj and gave the firm a "buy" rating in a study report on Wednesday, August 23rd. Nokia Oyj currently has an rate rating of "Buy" and an rate aim value of €5.73 ($6.74). Receive break news & Ratings for Nokia phone Oyj every day - get in your email address below to receive a concise every day summary of the latest break news and analysts' ratings for Nokia phone Oyj and related companies with's toll free every day email newsletter.

Citigroup Inc. Reiterates "€4.60" value aim for Nokia phone Oyj (NOKIA)

Citigroup Inc. determine a €4.60 ($5.41) aim value on Nokia phone Oyj (HEL:NOKIA) in a study report report published on Friday. Morgan Stanley determine a €6.30 ($7.41) value aim on shares of Nokia phone Oyj and gave the firm a purchas rating in a report on Thursday, October 5th. Finally, Nord/LB determine a €6.00 ($7.06) value aim on shares of Nokia phone Oyj and gave the firm a purchas rating in a report on Wednesday, August 23rd. Get Nokia phone Oyj alerts:ILLEGAL ACTIVITY WARNING: This story was premier announced with StockNewsTimes and is owned with of StockNewsTimes. Receive break news & Ratings for Nokia phone Oyj every day - get in your email address below to receive a concise every day summary of the latest break news and analysts' ratings for Nokia phone Oyj and related companies with's toll free every day email newsletter.

Citigroup Inc. Reiterates

Kepler Capital Markets Analysts Give Nokia phone Oyj (NOKIA) a €5.80 value Target

As it stated in Kepler Capital Markets determine a €5.80 ($6.82) value objective on Nokia phone Oyj (HEL:NOKIA) in a report launched on Friday morning. Morgan Stanley determine a €6.30 ($7.41) value aim on Nokia phone Oyj and gave the firm a purchas rating in a study note on Thursday, October 5th. Citigroup Inc. determine a €5.40 ($6.35) value aim on Nokia phone Oyj and gave the firm a neutral rating in a study note on Monday, October 16th. Nokia Oyj currently has an rate rating of purchas and a consensus value aim of €5.80 ($6.82). Receive break news & Ratings for Nokia phone Oyj every day - get in your email address below to receive a concise every day summary of the latest break news and analysts' ratings for Nokia phone Oyj and related companies with's toll free every day email newsletter.

collected by :Roy Mark
