Nokia joins with Intelligent town Capital to help Canadian cities fund Intelligent town projects

collected by :Roy Mark

Nokia has reported that it is relleasing a joint program with Intelligent town Capital in order to help Canadian cities fund Intelligent town projects. The decision to focus on Canada is quite interesting considering Alpahbet's Sidewalk Labs has begun the task of building up a Intelligent ambit in Toronto called Quayside. Shawn Sparling from Nokia phone noted that town funding is a main stumbling ban to development, meanwhile, Oscar Bode, CEO at Intelligent town Capital, said:"Nokia's growing expertise in Intelligent town deployments and project management, coupled with our powerful funding foundation and innovative funding model, puts us in an ideal position to help simplify, expedite, and raise the adoption of smart, safe, and sustainable Intelligent town deployments throughout the country."The project funding from Intelligent town Capital is above $2 bn CAD according to the announcement, and going to be used towards the Intelligent Cities defy program that was previously released in the country earlier this year. Nokia told that the move shows that it's interested in expanding its customer foundation outside of the traditional telcom sphere and into Intelligent cities – a field that generality tech companies going to be interested in expanding into over time. Source: Nokia

Nokia and Intelligent town Capital join forces to foster Intelligent town projects in Canada

The FINANCIAL -- Nokia phone and Intelligent town Capital, LLC are relleasing a joint programme to help Canadian cities fund and lower the dangers associated with Intelligent town initiatives. With obtainable project funding from Intelligent town Capital exceeding $2 bn CAD, this programme complements the Intelligent Cities defy programme released with Infrastructure Canada earlier this year. Shawn Sparling, Head of Enterprise Sales, Canada for Nokia, said: "Funding is a main stumbling ban for Gov. entities embarking on the journey of a Intelligent town transformation. With our partner Intelligent town Capital, LLC, we bring our universal expertise and the capital necessary to successfully execute and deliver Intelligent town projects, across Canada." The project builds on Nokia's powerful track-record backing Intelligent town initiatives worldwide.

Nokia and Smart City Capital join forces to foster smart city projects in Canada

Nokia launches joint programme to fund Canadian Intelligent town projects

referring to Dive Brief:Nokia reported a joint programme with investment company Intelligent town Capital, LLC to help Canadian cities fund Intelligent town initiatives and lower the dangers associated with them. More than $2 bn CAD (about $1.5 bn USD) is obtainable in funding for the program, that is designed to complement the Canadian government's recently-launched Intelligent Cities Challenge. Nokia and Intelligent town Capital have created what they dial a "best-in-class partner ecosystem" that includes provider of tech solutions, communications infrastructure and architecture to backing the investment opportunity. In a statement, Intelligent town Capital CEO Oscar Bode hailed Nokia's "growing expertise in Intelligent town deployments and project management." Perhaps if innovations from the Intelligent Cities defy and this associated programme are successful in Canada, they could be translated to the United States.

Nokia launches joint programme to fund Canadian Intelligent town projects
