The Black Panther Isn’t the King of His Cosmic Empire

As it stated in 205 Shares Share Tweet Email Copy Link CopiedThe following contains spoilers for Black Panther #1 by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Daniel Acuña, on sale now. Ta-Nehisi Coates has been writing Black Panther for two years now. Following that, the Empire was shown thriving during the pages of Marvel Legacy, and the Rise of the Black Panther miniseries has shown that traveling to space isn't something T'Challa just thought of. Donned in black armor with helmets stylized after Black Panther's mask, the Maroon forces attack the mine to rescue T'Challa, with none other than Nakia and M'Baku leading the charge. Anyone who loved the latter's entrance in the final act of the Black Panther movie will love how he pops in during this rescue mission.

Black Panther Costume Designer Ruth E. Carter on the Dora Milaje and 2019 Oscars

Black Panther is as much a feast for the eyes as it is an image of resistance. Has she influenced you in any way as a designer on Black Panther or other projects? The Dora Milaje were designed and developed first, and since we had to go back in time to the 1980s and come up with an early version of the Dora Milaje, we tried to do something that felt a little more retro. But I didn't need to use more than the Dora Milaje and all their influence, beauty, strength and femininity. We used the same materials that we made the Panther suit out of, so [the Dora Milaje] could fight.

Black Panther Costume Designer Ruth E. Carter on the Dora Milaje and 2019 Oscars

New Black Panther Comic Reboots Movie Heroes - In SPACE

as informed in Share Tweet Email Copy Link CopiedWARNING – Spoilers for Black Panther #1—A new Black Panther series has brought the Wakandan Empire to the stars—but it's also resetting the villainous Nakia and M'Baku as heroes. While Black Panther has been a popular hero for decades and the talent involved in this year's film seemed to further ensure its success, few could have guessed all the records Black Panther has broken at the box office. For the former Black Panther, that's a good thing, as both characters have long been villains in the comics. The Black Panther movie, however, tweaked Winston Duke's character to be more of a sympathetic antagonist. Black Panther #1 is available now from Marvel and comic book retailers.

collected by :Roy Mark
